Snow Crash, Meta and AI — What’s on the Tech Horizon in 2022?

Jamual Edwards
3 min readJan 2, 2022

For many, many years in my 20s — I had a personal interest in the entertainment industry. I remember staring at my old Magnavox TV watching classics such as Disney’s Aladdin, Lion King, The Little Mermaid, etc. I had big catalog of full of tapes.

After, as I got older — I got into video games and decided to become a video game major. At 18, I played video games a ton, and learned the super hard programming language, C++, in the first college I attended. I barely got through that course, so I changed my major to Film with a minor in Television (probably the most useless major in the world — lol)… I finally graduated with the same major. Along the way, I learned how to act. And dove knee deep into the entertainment industry for many, many years.

I love the industry as well as entertaining folks, but now I’m on a personal career transition — into Tech.


I think entering the Tech industry — I can have a bigger impact on people lives, instead of just entertaining folks, I teach people to be more productive with technology, be patient with technology, create scripts with Python and Linux to automate simple tasks (saving time!), can increase my income as well, and experience location independence (which is my current life goal).

So, after studying the industry for a couple months — these are the things I think are gonna be HUGE in 2022: the Metaverse and automation.

The Metaverse

Have you see the big announcement by Zuckerberg a couple months ago?

No? Here

The metaverse is an old idea from the book, Snow Crash.

Actually, it’s my favorite book of 2021.

The metaverse idea is basically reality where humans can interact with each other — even if there not in the same physical space. It’s a shared virtual space. It’s the coolest idea from Snow Crash — which you should buy — immediately!

The metaverse is gonna be huge, cause cause a lot of stuff can be done in the metaverse — developing new relationships, work(brainstorming, app creations, biz dev, etc.), financial transactions, entertainment, and much, much more.

My favorite part of the Meta’s presentation is the nature of work. Currently, I work in the office, physically. I have to be there. But in the metaverse, I don’t have to be. I could have meetings in Italy, all I need is a visor and I can brainstorm in the Metaverse. That’s the coolest thing — EVER! Especially since I wanna be remote and free to do what I want to do. The metaverse will enable me to give economic value across virtual spaces — the next evolution of the Internet.

Zuckerberg is on to something, I’m tellin’ ya.


The robots are coming! And your favorite employers are chomping at the bit to get their hands on robots.


Cause humans are expensive and cost money. Robots will save the bottom line.

This is one reason I’m focusing on skills that can’t be automated like — human relations, learning programming, learning IT infrastructure, content marketing and creativity. Building skills that only humans can do. Skills that can’t be automated.

Cause automation is coming. Trust me, I’ve been learning Python for a couple months, now and you can automate anything on these machines. You just need a person willing to do it.

Prepare yourself — your job is gonna disappear. Hell, my job is gonna disappear. A lot of jobs are gonna go away.

That’s a downside, however…

… The upside is that it’s gonna replaced by another — high tech job, but I think that transitory period is gonna be a bit tough for society (cause most folks despise change)…

… Overall, there’s a lot of new tech things on the horizon like 3D printing of housing and food, VR glasses and gloves, faster GPUs and CPUs, anti aging pills, robot dogs with guns, and transhumanist limbs. And that’s just the next ten years — there’s WAY more coming.

It’s an exciting time and honestly, I’m excited to be a part of it.

— Jamual



Jamual Edwards

Bilingual Receptionist. Writing about tech, personal growth, sci fi, health, career, and travel.. Thanks for reading!